Well, the thread about pedophilia on Political Forum - US & World Political Discussion Forums continued (I just can't stay away!) and eventually morphed into a discussion about how homosexuality is as deviant a behavior as bestiality or pedophilia.. as threads like that usually do.
Feel free to check it out. I've tried to stay as civil as I can but... stuff like this really makes me angry:
Sir, you do have a choice that is what makes us human. You’ve made a choice not to be interested in women your own age, not to forget that you’ve buried the thought of having any connection with those women, because of your constant fantasies about little girls. You made that choice on your own free will.
I personally believe that today my sexual orientation would be whatever I desire it to be, whether it is being straight, homosexual, or a bisexual. If I wanted to be a bisexual or a homosexual today, I would have the the free will to become one, but I’ve already chosen to be a heterosexual.
Yes you’ve a choice, and you chosen to be a pedophile.
Like, seriously... where do people hear this shit? If someone could show me how the average human being sits down and goes over the pros and cons of each individual sexual fetish, sexual attraction, etc. and then decides "You know, after much thought and research... I have decided to be a heterosexual. Let's get started!" then I would back off. But... I didn't do that. I had a boyfriend in kindergarten (the only one I would have for another 12 years but...we'll leave that alone). Are you telling me at 5 years old I had already gone through all of the steps necessary to decide what sex I was attracted to? No. I grew up being attracted to males. I also feel an attraction to females but it is purely a physical/sexual attraction and there is no emotional "I love you" bond there (fairly common for females in the animal kingdom to go back and forth pretty easily as far as I have seen). My sexuality, both the love/sexual attraction to males and the sexual attraction to females was chosen for me. I didn't sit down and "decide" it one day although I would be more than willing to hear a tale of someone doing just that... and I'm not talking about the "coming to terms with homosexuality" kind of decision. I'm talking about weighing your options and then deciding which sex you are attracted to.
Anyway, I tried to explain it to the guy who then proceeded to tell me that he's a heterosexual because of his "principles" and "beliefs". So.... apparently he only fucks women because of his beliefs.. without them he'd be out screwing whatever passed by him. Awesome. Good to know that "principles" and "beliefs" are the only thing keeping human beings from raping horses day-in and day-out. Eh..... I said what I could. Whether or not logic broke through............ well, I doubt it did.
Related thread: "Sexual Discrimination"