Just a post covering some things that have happened over the past few weeks.
The Chocolate Festival by Planned Parenthood in Delaware was awesome. My boyfriend and I ended up taking a "doggie-bag" home. I had to sneak in after the old ladies started. They can be ruthless when it comes to chocolate!!
A little shout-out to the 7 or so dedicated protesters who were standing outside in the rain at the center where the event was held. Way to remain ignorant, guys! Good job! I have a suggestion... instead of standing outside of PP events/clinics bitching about how the lives of children are so important.. why don't you go out and adopt a baby who needs a loving family? Put your time to good use?
Oh, wait. I forgot. You are all talk and no helpful action. Only caring about unborn children and not giving a damn about the mothers or the babies once they are out of the womb. My mistake. Whatever is convenient for you, though, right? *thumbs up*
The politician who I had been helping with the special election that was held Saturday actually won. By a lot. So.. that may or may not be a good thing. We'll see what he does. But congrats anyway to him.
I ended up being a challenger at a polling place this past Saturday for the special election I just mentioned. The challenger just makes sure no funny business happens at the polls.
Anyway, that is neither here nor there. I ended up getting to listen to some ladies (who were the poll workers) talk about... interesting things.
At one point, one of the poll workers started talking about how one of her friends told her that animals don't go to heaven. She said she was upset because her dog had just died and she thought it was not a nice thing to say. Her friend apparently told her to watch a documentary with Kirk Cameron *snort* in which he goes into great detail explaining how animals do not go to heaven. All the ladies were like "Awwww! No, I don't believe that! I am looking forward to seeing my animals in heaven!" etc.etc.etc.
I spent a fair amount of time in a Roman Catholic church. I went to CCD. This question was brought up. The answer, for anyone who has ever read the Bible/been raised Roman Catholic is NO. Animals DO NOT go to heaven. Jesus died for the sins of man. Not animals. Animals do not sin. In fact, from what I understand, animals were not thought to have souls at the time the Bible was written. How can something that does not have a soul go to heaven? How can something that can not sin go to heaven (or hell)? COME ON! This was just another clear example of people making things up to make themselves feel better. I mean..... THINK ABOUT IT.
Animals don't sin. They can't. Animals don't know or believe in any gods (I'd be willing to bet). So, let's assume that the Abrahamic God is nice (hah!) and lets all animals into heaven. Does that also count bugs? Let's say it does. Every. single. animal/bug. that has ever lived.... is in heaven? There are billions and billions and trillions more animals/bugs than humans in this world. You're going to tell me that all of them are in heaven? Or...... well....
"My dog had such a good personality.. he has to be in heaven." Said the woman. No lie. That's what she said.
So...... what would have been the alternative if he had had a "bad personality"? God would punish him for all eternity in a firey pit of hell? A DOG?
The whole thing just made my head want to explode. Animals with "good personalities" go to heaven.
Heaven is kinda described in the Bible. It's generally thought to be a place where you are in the presence of god for eternity and THAT is what makes it heaven. Some people like to change it up and say "Heaven is whatever you want it to be. It's your greatest dream." If that is what you believe.. then OF COURSE your damn dog is going to be there! If you want him to be there. But what the fuck does a dog care about being the "eternal presence of god"? He did not serve the lord in any fashion while he was on Earth. What will be different in heaven?
GAH! I just.... this has required way too much of my energy and thought. I tried not to think about it while I was actually at the polling place because I knew I would end up just walking out before I was supposed to. I wanted to shake all of them, though.
Another conversation that two other ladies had was about one's granddaughter (I believe). The granddaughter is 7 years old and was born left-handed. Now, I missed the exact person, but it was either the woman's husband (the child's grandfather) or the child's father. Either way, the male family member is upset that the girl was born left-handed because apparently he believes that left-handed people are stupider than right-handed people. WHAT? I mean... I had heard this kind of thinking before but I thought it only happened in places like Alabama and Arkansas.
Anyway, the grandmother is upset because this male family member is actively trying to change the girl into a right-handed, smart person. This guy..... is right-handed... and is supposed to be "smart" according to him... but he is trying to change the girl into a right-handed person because he believes left-handed people are stupid. Irony! The grandmother has been buying her the left-handed things (scissors, for example) so that she can fit in at school and whatnot. The male family member just wants the girl to start using right-handed things and write with her right hand and all that in the hopes that her brain will change overnight and she will become smart. Like him.
Why am I bothering to write this? Well, I'm sure by now, anyone who knows me will see the parallel that I am trying to draw. This grandmother is so passionate about how her granddaughter was "born that way" and "should be accepted for who she is" and how there is "nothing wrong with her". All over left-handedness.
The first thing that popped into my head was homosexuality. I wanted to say to her... "See? See how stupid that male family member sounds to you and everyone else in the room right now? Trying to change this young girl into something she is not, calling her stupid for not being like everyone else, and forcing her to change the way she does things which undoubtedly causes her undue stress? All over a way she was born that does not effect anyone else but herself? See how ignorant that male family member sounds? How stupid? How completely wrong? That oppressive and discriminatory male family member is in the minority now. Yeah........ think about it."
It wasn't my place to say anything at all. I wasn't part of the conversation and had never met the woman in my life. But. Yeah. Fucking think about it.