Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Romney, You're Still a Mormon
So Romney made a speech yesterday. I read it. And I laughed. My comments to the bolded areas are in PINK!
From Guardian Unlimited
Text of Romney's Speech
Thursday December 6, 2007 5:16 PM
By The Associated Press
Text of Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's speech Thursday on faith at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum in College Station, Texas.
ROMNEY: Thank you, Mr. President for your kind introduction.
It is an honor to be here today. This is an inspiring place because of you and the first lady and because of the film that's exhibited across the way in the presidential library. For those who have not seen it, it shows the president as a young pilot, shot down during the Second World War, being rescued from his life raft by the crew of an American submarine. It's a moving reminder that when America has faced challenge and peril, Americans rise to the occasion, willing to risk their very lives to defend freedom and preserve our nation. We're in your debt, Mr. President. Thank you very, very much.
Mr. President, your generation rose to the occasion, first to defeat fascism and then to vanquish the Soviet Union. You left us, your children, a free and strong America. It is why we call yours the greatest generation. It's now my generation's turn. How we respond to today's challenges will define our generation. And it will determine what kind of America we will leave our children, and theirs.
America faces a new generation of challenges. Radical violent Islam seeks to destroy us. An emerging China endeavors to surpass our economic leadership. And we're troubled at home by government overspending, overuse of foreign oil, and the breakdown of the family.
Ironically, because of your son, Mr. President.
Over the last year, we've embarked on a national debate on how best to preserve American leadership. Today, I wish to address a topic which I believe is fundamental to America's greatness: our religious liberty. I'll also offer perspectives on how my own faith would inform my presidency, if I were elected.
And here it comes. More bullshit about how the religious majority are being persecuted and attacked by the minority. But! No mention of Mormonism or planet-ruling.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Just a post covering some things that have happened over the past few weeks.
The Chocolate Festival by Planned Parenthood in Delaware was awesome. My boyfriend and I ended up taking a "doggie-bag" home. I had to sneak in after the old ladies started. They can be ruthless when it comes to chocolate!!
A little shout-out to the 7 or so dedicated protesters who were standing outside in the rain at the center where the event was held. Way to remain ignorant, guys! Good job! I have a suggestion... instead of standing outside of PP events/clinics bitching about how the lives of children are so important.. why don't you go out and adopt a baby who needs a loving family? Put your time to good use?
Oh, wait. I forgot. You are all talk and no helpful action. Only caring about unborn children and not giving a damn about the mothers or the babies once they are out of the womb. My mistake. Whatever is convenient for you, though, right? *thumbs up*
The politician who I had been helping with the special election that was held Saturday actually won. By a lot. So.. that may or may not be a good thing. We'll see what he does. But congrats anyway to him.
I ended up being a challenger at a polling place this past Saturday for the special election I just mentioned. The challenger just makes sure no funny business happens at the polls.
Anyway, that is neither here nor there. I ended up getting to listen to some ladies (who were the poll workers) talk about... interesting things.
At one point, one of the poll workers started talking about how one of her friends told her that animals don't go to heaven. She said she was upset because her dog had just died and she thought it was not a nice thing to say. Her friend apparently told her to watch a documentary with Kirk Cameron *snort* in which he goes into great detail explaining how animals do not go to heaven. All the ladies were like "Awwww! No, I don't believe that! I am looking forward to seeing my animals in heaven!" etc.etc.etc.
I spent a fair amount of time in a Roman Catholic church. I went to CCD. This question was brought up. The answer, for anyone who has ever read the Bible/been raised Roman Catholic is NO. Animals DO NOT go to heaven. Jesus died for the sins of man. Not animals. Animals do not sin. In fact, from what I understand, animals were not thought to have souls at the time the Bible was written. How can something that does not have a soul go to heaven? How can something that can not sin go to heaven (or hell)? COME ON! This was just another clear example of people making things up to make themselves feel better. I mean..... THINK ABOUT IT.
Animals don't sin. They can't. Animals don't know or believe in any gods (I'd be willing to bet). So, let's assume that the Abrahamic God is nice (hah!) and lets all animals into heaven. Does that also count bugs? Let's say it does. Every. single. animal/bug. that has ever lived.... is in heaven? There are billions and billions and trillions more animals/bugs than humans in this world. You're going to tell me that all of them are in heaven? Or...... well....
"My dog had such a good personality.. he has to be in heaven." Said the woman. No lie. That's what she said.
So...... what would have been the alternative if he had had a "bad personality"? God would punish him for all eternity in a firey pit of hell? A DOG?
The whole thing just made my head want to explode. Animals with "good personalities" go to heaven.
Heaven is kinda described in the Bible. It's generally thought to be a place where you are in the presence of god for eternity and THAT is what makes it heaven. Some people like to change it up and say "Heaven is whatever you want it to be. It's your greatest dream." If that is what you believe.. then OF COURSE your damn dog is going to be there! If you want him to be there. But what the fuck does a dog care about being the "eternal presence of god"? He did not serve the lord in any fashion while he was on Earth. What will be different in heaven?
GAH! I just.... this has required way too much of my energy and thought. I tried not to think about it while I was actually at the polling place because I knew I would end up just walking out before I was supposed to. I wanted to shake all of them, though.
Another conversation that two other ladies had was about one's granddaughter (I believe). The granddaughter is 7 years old and was born left-handed. Now, I missed the exact person, but it was either the woman's husband (the child's grandfather) or the child's father. Either way, the male family member is upset that the girl was born left-handed because apparently he believes that left-handed people are stupider than right-handed people. WHAT? I mean... I had heard this kind of thinking before but I thought it only happened in places like Alabama and Arkansas.
Anyway, the grandmother is upset because this male family member is actively trying to change the girl into a right-handed, smart person. This guy..... is right-handed... and is supposed to be "smart" according to him... but he is trying to change the girl into a right-handed person because he believes left-handed people are stupid. Irony! The grandmother has been buying her the left-handed things (scissors, for example) so that she can fit in at school and whatnot. The male family member just wants the girl to start using right-handed things and write with her right hand and all that in the hopes that her brain will change overnight and she will become smart. Like him.
Why am I bothering to write this? Well, I'm sure by now, anyone who knows me will see the parallel that I am trying to draw. This grandmother is so passionate about how her granddaughter was "born that way" and "should be accepted for who she is" and how there is "nothing wrong with her". All over left-handedness.
The first thing that popped into my head was homosexuality. I wanted to say to her... "See? See how stupid that male family member sounds to you and everyone else in the room right now? Trying to change this young girl into something she is not, calling her stupid for not being like everyone else, and forcing her to change the way she does things which undoubtedly causes her undue stress? All over a way she was born that does not effect anyone else but herself? See how ignorant that male family member sounds? How stupid? How completely wrong? That oppressive and discriminatory male family member is in the minority now. Yeah........ think about it."
It wasn't my place to say anything at all. I wasn't part of the conversation and had never met the woman in my life. But. Yeah. Fucking think about it.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Chocolate Festival - Wilmington, DE
Join Planned Parenthood of Delaware and friends for lots of chocolate, food, wine, chocolate martinis, a silent auction and fun! Friday, October 26, 2007 To purchase tickets, click on the picture above to go to the site where there is a paypal link available, or call 655-7296 ext. 27 to purchase by phone! | |
Hey everyone! I will be volunteering at this event this coming Friday. If you are in the area and love chocolate and all that jazz.. please come by! You do need to buy a ticket though. I am super excited. So begins my path towards getting a career with Planned Parenthood. ^_^
Don't worry... I'm not giving up on my Japanese language studies.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
...or Not To Be
If you are any part of the "atheist community" then you would have heard about Sam Harris ' latest speech in which he said:
So, let me make my somewhat seditious proposal explicit: We should not call ourselves “atheists.” We should not call ourselves “secularists.” We should not call ourselves “humanists,” or “secular humanists,” or “naturalists,” or “skeptics,” or “anti-theists,” or “rationalists,” or “freethinkers,” or “brights.” We should not call ourselves anything. We should go under the radar—for the rest of our lives. And while there, we should be decent, responsible people who destroy bad ideas wherever we find them.
It did not go over well and there was a bit of an uproar, I guess. He has issued a response to the number of people who were very critical of what he had to say... and that has also sparked a notable debate amongst those who believe him to be dead-on and those who think he is wrong.
Personally... I am so confuzzled by this whole thing. I don't even really know where to start but I'm going to try to attempt to say what my mind is currently thinking.
Now, first off, the term "atheist" means "without theism"/"non-theism". "Theism" is "the belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in a personal God as creator and ruler of the world" (or something along those lines). So when you put the two together... "atheist" means "without the belief in the existence of a god or gods..." or "non-belief in the existence of a god or gods..." (you can throw "supernatural" in there too). To me, it's really quite as simple as that. There is nothing controversial about the word in and of itself. It is what it is. The end.
Recently, an "atheist movement" has been taking place (or this is what I have personally perceived it to be). People without the belief in the existence of a god or gods (or the supernatural) have been making their displeasure with overtly Christian way things are run in this country known. People without the belief in the existence of a god or gods (or the supernatural) have stepped forward and said "What you are doing is exclusionary and it needs to change to better fit our United States Constitution". Of course this has been happening for some time now.. but before it was on an individual level and those who stepped forward and were demonized and made out to be an evil, rare breed who just want to remove Christian values from the United States because they "hate God" or are "working for Satan". People who agreed with them kept their mouths shut out of fear of having something happen to them (physical harm, loss of a job, loss of friends, loss of family, etc.). I can probably even go a step further and restate that sentence: People without the belief in the existence of god or gods who agreed with them kept their mouths shut out of fear of having something happen to them. Those few who had belief and who agreed were not quite as afraid because they still had that belief there backing them up. Then came this "new atheist" movement.
People without the belief in the existence of a god or gods started to write books, give conferences, put out fliers, form groups, etc. People without the belief in the existence of a god or gods who had previously kept quiet out of fear started to say to themselves "Hey! They're like me! I'm not alone!" and some of them stopped being afraid. Those with belief in a god or gods, expecially belief in a personal God as creator and ruler of the world, saw that their attempt at building a Christian theocracy in America was threated and so......... began to make up things like an "atheist religion" or an "atheist dogma" or the "militant atheist" label. Although I didn't think that people would fall for it... apparently they have. As ridiculous as it is... people are now "debating" (i.e. fighting) about whether or not people without the belief in a god or gods, including a personal God as creator and ruler of the world... should call themselves... ATHEIST. Is this some kind of joke?
Atheism is not a religion. Even if atheists all group up and make some kind of atheist club... it does not make it a religion. There is no dogma. No required reading. No required thoughts. No required hatred, pity, or disgust for those who are religious. No required proselytizing to gain more members. No rules to live by. You either belief in a god or gods or you don't! As a minority in the country (the least trusted minority) there is nothing wrong with having a kind of counter-group to make sure that people who are not religious are represented in some way. If you stay in the shadows... then no one will know you are there. Or perhaps they will know some are there but that they aren't important.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is... I have no idea what is going on and I think it's absurd for the least trusted minority group to be squabbling about whether or not to call itself by it's politically correct definition. An atheist can be all kinds of things. They can be humanists. They can be democrats. They can be gun-enthusiasts. They can be tattoo artists. They can be CEOs. The only thing that "atheist" defines is the religious aspect. I'm an atheist when asked the religious question. I am a person who is without belief in a god or gods, including a personal God that is a creator and ruler of the world. I also consider myself a free thinker. I am also fairly humanist (though I haven't looked too much into what that means and so wouldn't say that I am "a humanist"). I'm also half-black and half-white. I am also a lover of Japanese culture. I am also a feminist and pro-choice. I am also gamer.
I understand the sentiment that atheists have no positivity in the label. It describes a "without" and a "non". But.... like... I don't see what's wrong with that! At what point did atheists decide that they have to be "pro" something. That is not what atheism is. If you want to be "pro" something then you join that group of people... "atheist" is not the only label you have and certainly not the only group you can belong to. If you are a secularist as well then you join that group and your positive is to ensure that the country remains secular. If you are a feminist then you join the group that works to ensure that women are given equality in society (as much as humanly possible). If you are a humanist then you work towards the positives of humanity. Atheism never claimed to be a hip and cool club for people to join. It simply describes your views on religion.
I am an atheist. I identify with other atheists as much as I identify with other people who have tattoos or stretched ears or dark skin or a vagina and boobs or artistic ability or pink hair or love Radiohead ... whatever. If that's the only thing we have in common (atheism) then that's cool and all.. but we're probably not going to be friends and we'll most likely only agree on a select few things. That doesn't make me any less of an atheist or the other person any less of an atheist. |
It just means that we have no fear of speaking about such matters with each other and there will be no judgment in that regard. Or.... at least... it used to mean that. At this point it's looking like if you're an atheist who identifies with the word atheist or if you're an atheist who would rather not be labeled in that way... then you're not on the same "team". How ridiculous is that?
Maybe I'm reading too much into this. I don't even know if what I said makes sense or has a point. This whole thing is just baffling me. I don't give a crap if an atheist wants to call himself an atheist or not. If I woke up one day and said I didn't want to be called a woman anymore ... it wouldn't suddenly not make me one. But would it really be effective for any other women to argue with me about whether or not I'm a woman? I don't think so. I'd just end up ostracized or hanging out with women who don't want to call themselves women and then the other women who DO call themselves women would hate us and we would hate them because we've suddenly all made ourselves not part of the same group. Like.... some people are going to identify with "atheist" and some don't want to. Great. Now that we have established that... let's continue making sure that we don't get burned at the stake by the mob waiting for this to become a "Christian Nation!". For serious. This is just.... totally beyond me.
Am I missing the point?*Click Here to Leave Comments at Nicest-Girl.Com*
Monday, October 1, 2007
A Meeting at Planned Parenthood
UPDATE: The meeting went very well. I expressed interest in perhaps working full-time for Planned Parenthood at some time in the future and was given a positive response. I will be volunteering on Mondays and Tuesdays for the time being (perhaps some Saturdays) and then I'll slowly work up to maybe getting a paid position there. It's pretty exciting. ^_^ I won't give up on my Japanese but if I am working at a job that I enjoy then perhaps translating part-time would be the plan. But... nothing official has happened yet, of course. We'll see how it goes. Hooray for Planned Parenthood, though! 3 Cheers!
Although I haven't mentioned it on this blog, I am doing an internship for one of the state representatives here (I won't mention the name so that they are not associated with this blog in any way). It's going well and I am getting the opportunity to meet many people that I would otherwise probably not meet (especially because I am in a state in which I did not grow up in and feel no sincere connection to).
Today, I have a meeting with the staff of Planned Parenthood as well as another state representative who works with the organization. I must say that I haven't ever been so excited about a meeting. If there is any field that has nothing to do with Japanese translation that I would love to get into it would be sexual education and women's health (in a non-doctor kind of way). |
That's how he broke his arm. |
I told my boyfriend this weekend that I must be so excited because of the thought of being in a job where people want to blow me up or shoot me. He said he thinks it's more of the "helping and educating people" thing but... bah! what does he know!
I don't mean to imply that I am getting a job at Planned Parenthood BUT... I do plan on keeping in contact and if a position were to become available (in which I would make more money than I do now or in the near future) then I would jump at the chance. Sexual education (especially of my fellow females) is really important to me. I think it is the first step in making sure a society is healthy, happy, tolerant, and educated in general and it is the one thing that I get really angry about when I see people (fundies) trying to stop it "for the children" and out of their own ridiculous and inexcusable ignorance. If I am unable to work in translation then I would love to work in this field.
Strangely enough, I have never really been in a Planned Parenthood. I went to a women's health clinic at one point but I don't believe it was a Planned Parenthood clinic so although I know what they are about and what they do and what good they do for the community... I have never been inside one and have never seen the inner-workings (I could easily count this as a good thing and give a thumbs up to my birth control which has worked wonderfully in more ways than one for the past six years). Many people falsely believe it is just an abortion clinic where people go to "murder babies" and be encouraged to have premarital sex. Luckily, I know the truth as well as a bit more about what they actually do there. So I am going with happy butterflies in my stomach and a real sense of excitement that I don't usually feel with "every day activities" (like the kind of excitement that I felt before I left for Japan). If anything special happens I'll probably write about it but it might be a fairly standard meeting. Though I do have to go through some kind of orientation or training or something... we'll see what that is all about.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Magic Man and Most Beautiful Girl
These two videos have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Except they've got a bunch of accents in 'em. And they are funny shit.
Friday, September 21, 2007
So, I totally forgot to write a little thingy about this new service I'm using. It's called BlogRush and I'm going to assume it's working because I have gotten a number of hits and couple of new comments (yay!). Check it out. It's free (or else I wouldn't be part of it. ^_~) and it looks like a good sydication network. CLICK IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Sexual Discrimination" Update
Well, the thread about pedophilia on Political Forum - US & World Political Discussion Forums continued (I just can't stay away!) and eventually morphed into a discussion about how homosexuality is as deviant a behavior as bestiality or pedophilia.. as threads like that usually do.
Feel free to check it out. I've tried to stay as civil as I can but... stuff like this really makes me angry:
Sir, you do have a choice that is what makes us human. You’ve made a choice not to be interested in women your own age, not to forget that you’ve buried the thought of having any connection with those women, because of your constant fantasies about little girls. You made that choice on your own free will.
I personally believe that today my sexual orientation would be whatever I desire it to be, whether it is being straight, homosexual, or a bisexual. If I wanted to be a bisexual or a homosexual today, I would have the the free will to become one, but I’ve already chosen to be a heterosexual.
Yes you’ve a choice, and you chosen to be a pedophile.
Like, seriously... where do people hear this shit? If someone could show me how the average human being sits down and goes over the pros and cons of each individual sexual fetish, sexual attraction, etc. and then decides "You know, after much thought and research... I have decided to be a heterosexual. Let's get started!" then I would back off. But... I didn't do that. I had a boyfriend in kindergarten (the only one I would have for another 12 years but...we'll leave that alone). Are you telling me at 5 years old I had already gone through all of the steps necessary to decide what sex I was attracted to? No. I grew up being attracted to males. I also feel an attraction to females but it is purely a physical/sexual attraction and there is no emotional "I love you" bond there (fairly common for females in the animal kingdom to go back and forth pretty easily as far as I have seen). My sexuality, both the love/sexual attraction to males and the sexual attraction to females was chosen for me. I didn't sit down and "decide" it one day although I would be more than willing to hear a tale of someone doing just that... and I'm not talking about the "coming to terms with homosexuality" kind of decision. I'm talking about weighing your options and then deciding which sex you are attracted to.
Anyway, I tried to explain it to the guy who then proceeded to tell me that he's a heterosexual because of his "principles" and "beliefs". So.... apparently he only fucks women because of his beliefs.. without them he'd be out screwing whatever passed by him. Awesome. Good to know that "principles" and "beliefs" are the only thing keeping human beings from raping horses day-in and day-out. Eh..... I said what I could. Whether or not logic broke through............ well, I doubt it did.
Related thread: "Sexual Discrimination"
Thursday, September 20, 2007
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You Made Me Say It
Young Earth Creationists Anonymous
Zeemy’s Paradigm
Zen Curmudgeon
“Atheism Sucks” sucks